BHA lobby will open back up on December 1st. Residents will be able to use the debit/credit card machine to pay rent.

Notice of Public Hearing

PUBLIC NOTICEOF PUBLIC HEARINGAGENCY PLAN AND CAPITAL FUND PLANAMENDED ADMISSIONS AND CONTINUED OCCUPANCY POLICYBERWICK HOUSING AUTHORITYThe Berwick Housing Authority will conduct a Public Hearing at 2:00 P.M.on Tuesday October 12, 2021, in the Community Room of the Housing Authority,2751 Fifth St, P O Box 231, Berwick LA, 70342.The purpose of the hearing is to obtain […]

FEMA approves Gov. Edwards request to activate temporary housing program


Hurricane season began June 1st, so make sure you are prepared and don’t get caught off guard by a storm. You can get all the information you need concerning hurricane preparation by going to: When you click on Make a Plan, it will give you information about building a kit, family plan steps, financial […]

Attention Berwick Residents: Please update your phone number with the office if it has changed.

State of Louisiana’s U.S. Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program

If you are having problems with paying your current rent due to COVID-19, please click the link below. This information is for landlord and tenant who have ran into a financial shortfall.